You pull me closer to love

She got the call today, one out of the gray
And when the smoke cleared, it took her breath away
She said she didn't believe it could happen to me
I guess, we're all one phone call from our knees

My heart was taken by you

You wonder why I don't talk to you anymore and please
believe me when I say it's not that I don't want to,
it's just that everything I want to say I can't tell you anymore.

Sometime you just have to hold your head up high, blink away the tears and say good-bye.

If it's a broken part, replace it

If it's a broken arm then brace it.
If it's a broken heart then face it.


Yes sir, yes it was me

Seal my heart and break my pride,
I've nowhere to stand and now nowhere to hide,
Align my heart, my body, my mind,
To face what I've done and do my time.

Nånting hos dig höll mig kvar

Varje gång jag ser dig är det som om allting stannar till, jag vet inte varför. 
Varje gång jag ser dig känner jag att det enda jag vill, är att komma dig nära.
Det är samma sak, varje gång vi ses.

With grace in your heart and flowers in your hair

Jag har himlen runt hörnet

Så många människor omkring mig, utan varken mening eller mål
Alltid nån som blir över, säg mig, varför blir det alltid så?
Nån där uppe måste ha sett mig
Och tänkt att nu så är det väl ändå hennes tur

Min tur att träffa nån som vet vad jag behöver.
Det verkar som mina ensamma dar för alltid är över
Och jag reste runt jorden, men du fanns här mitt framför mig
Och Gud vet vad jag hade gjort och hur jag hade mått om jag inte träffat dig
Jag levde som ett frö för vinden tog kärlek där jag fick den
och dagen som den kom

Men jag har dig nu som vet vad jag behöver

I'm clean

Can you lie next to her and give her your heart, as well as your body?
Can you lie next to her and confess your love, as well as your folly? 
Can you kneel before the king and say I'm clean?

The heart can see what's invisible to the eye

The truth hurts

You can't play on broken strings.

You had me at hello

I wanna wake up where you are

Could you whisper in my ear 
The things you want to feel 
I'll give you anything  to feel it comin'


There's no need to complicate

Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you will find love, love, love

I guess what I be saying is there ain't no better reason
To rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasons
It's what we aim to do, our name is our virtue

Thinking of you

But now it's quiet and I can hear you sing

I hear him singing while he sits there in his chair
While these autumn leaves float around everywhere.

One day you will be famous

To open up a heart

When everything's made to be broken,
I just want you to know who I am.

Tack mitt hjärta för alla stunder du ger mig

Get out of my head

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