Always alone

It's all clear to me

You're the Beatles to my stones.


You should never think

Hur ska man älska nån, som har älskat nån förut?

You have so many colors

 You're like a fucking rainbow

The past is the present

If a girl has a wall up it's because it was built.
Brick by brick, lie by lie.
Heartbreak by heartbreak.

Once in a while, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairytail

I hope you will wait for me

Keep believe

I wish you knew when I said two sugars I actually meant three


Live life as it's meant to be

Let's dream


Vad jag bryr mig om nu

Vad jag bryr mig om nu är att få ut dig ur skallen,
är att aldrig ge hela hjärtat för kärlek igen.

You came over me like some holy rite

And the only solution was to stand and fight

Escape me

Ofta att han inte var en tillräcklig människa

Hon var den som alltid sprang fram och tillbaka, tycktes aldrig kunna finna någon ro.
Hon var den som kände efter så det spraka, kunde glittra, men sen var det
som hon dog. Inombords så vändes världen uppochner, då hon en dag
träffa en annan han var mer.

De fick inte nog av varann.


A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out

I believe in grace and choice

You’ll build your walls and I will play my bloody part
To tear, tear them down

I will build a throne

And I will be your goal, to have and to hold
A lover of the light

Love the one you hold

Bytte nycklar, bytte kläder, bytte tankar

Everywhere you go, perfection

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