in a hopeless place

When it's love

you say them out loud those words
they never go away
they live on, even when we're gone

on my way down, never coming back

when i tell you 'bout my feelings

And then you belived in me
you took me by my hand 
and told me that I made you free

att du vart i min famn varje natt

Det finns saker jag saknar, typ när vi var nakna
nu ligger dina kläder ute på gatan och jag går i dagar i tröjan du hatar.

du springer aldrig ifatt när jag är där

jag vill ha dig nu, som jag hade dig förut.

they know you've been broken

Don't you know that I'll be around to guide you
Through your weakest moments to leave them behind you

Har bestämt att stå helt utanför det där som jag blir ledsen av

Jag går i vinterskor på hösten
Alltid förberedd för storm

she's all laid up in bed with a broken heart

watch my wildest dreams come true

remember me

You once told me, "our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we toutch".
Is that true for everybody? Or was it just poetic bullshit?

Think I finally found a better place to start

I write sins, not tragedies.

sail away with me

aren't we just terrified

fattar inte själv vad jag känner

love the boys who...

Don't say you love me..

...unless you really mean it, because I might do something crazy like believe it.

let's rule the world

I could be brave in your arms

May angels lead you in

So what would you think of me now?
So lucky, so strong, so proud.
I never said thank you for that,
Now I'll never have a chance.

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